Lyddington Tennis

Lyddington Tennis

Welcome to Lyddington Tennis

This single hard court is located on the playing fields down a small track to the east of Main Street in Lyddington. The court is made available at the discretion of Lyddington Parish Council. It is managed on their behalf by the Lyddington Tennis Committee, and operates as a club, primarily for the benefit of the residents of the village.

In order to prevent damage to the court access is restricted by use of a padlock, with the entry code only given to those authorised to use the court.

Lyddington Tennis requests that all those intending to use the court on a regular basis become members. This allows them to have the entry code to the padlock and enables them to use the court booking system. Those that have made a court booking will have priority to use the court over those that may have arrived first but have not made a court booking.

Those that wish to join the club are required to pay £50 for a family or £30 for an individual, per annum. Payment should be by bank transfer to the account of Lyddington Tennis sort code 40-45-03 account number 81239945. Once payment has been received, new members will be given the padlock code and they will be able to use the court booking system. Please also advise Tim Leah of your email address so that you can be updated about any future changes to the padlock code.

New members should go to to book the court. When booking the court you will be able to set up an account and password.

There are some requests we make to members when they are planning to book the court. Bookings should not be made more than two weeks in advance. Once a booking has been made, if it is subsequently found that it is no longer required, the booking should be cancelled.

The tennis court should be booked for a maximum of 1 hour for a game of singles and 1.5 hours for doubles. The exception is when booking for family lessons.

The court is a facility primarily for use by Lyddington residents, but the Chairman will be happy to consider applications for membership from residents of local villages. However the total number of non-residents will always be limited.

Non-residents will be required to pay a premium of £10 for family membership and £5 for individuals.


Tim Leah – Chairman

18 Colley Rise Lyddington, Oakham

Rutland. LE15 9LL.

Katy Bryan

Barney Sturgess

Only suitable footwear should be worn, to prevent damage to court.