Welcome to the Lyddington Parish Council website. Here you will find details of the Parish Council and its Councillors, as well as information on the Parish Council meeting dates and minutes from past meetings. There are also details of recent news within the village and the current issues the Parish Council are working on. We have also included links to the websites of other organisations within the village. We hope you find this information useful and welcome any comments on how the content of this website could be improved.
If you would like to contact the Parish Council please direct your enquiries to the Parish Clerk –
Peter Howard
Email: parishclerk@lyddington-pc.gov.uk
Telephone: 07912 057919
The Village of Lyddington
Lyddington is situated in the Welland Valley, at the southern point of Rutland County, just off the A6003 between Uppingham and Corby. This pretty village, with open countryside rising on all sides, is home to about 400 people and has 2 pubs – The Marquess of Exeter and The Old White Hart, a village hall, a church and a recreation ground with a newly refurbished children’s playground and a tennis court.
The Main Street is dominated by the frontages of houses and walls built from local ironstone. The majority of the village is in a Conservation Area. There are 70 listed buildings, 2 Scheduled Ancient Monuments, the medieval fishponds and Lyddington Bede House. St Andrew’s Church, Lyddington Bede House and their surrounds are significant features in the village centre. The Bede House is owned by English Heritage and is a Grade 1 listed building incorporating parts of a medieval bishop’s palace.
The Parish Council
Lyddington Parish Council has 7 elected members. Details of the Parish Councillors can be found in the Parish Councillors section of this website. The Parish Council are responsible for maintaining the village green, the playing field and the children’s play park. The Parish Council also manages the cemetery, allotments and street lighting and works closely with various departments at Rutland County Council to deal with issues raised by residents and improve the village environment. The Parish Council is consulted on all planning matters in the village and has close links with other organisations in the village such as; Lyddington Tennis and the Village Hall committee.
Lyddington Parish Council Meetings
Lyddington Parish Council meets 6 times a year at Lyddington Village Hall. Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of alternate months and start at 7.30pm. The agenda always provides the public with 15 minutes to speak at the start of the meeting. The agenda and minutes from each Parish Council Meeting are available in the Meetings Calendar section of this website. The dates of forthcoming Parish Council Meetings are also available there. The Annual Parish Meeting, which all Parishioners are invited to, is usually held in the Village Hall in April and the agenda and minutes from these meetings can also be found in the Meetings Calendar section of this website.